Tuesday, November 11, 2014

A Tale About Craigslist

A friend of mine pointed me toward a post on Craigslist where someone was selling a bunch of tack, including a bit exactly like the one I tried on Arya the other day (just standing around--haven't ridden her in it yet) and she seemed to like.

I contacted the seller, and the bit was still available, so we arranged to meet.

At just part dark, I drove down a long and winding dirt road, then a long and not as winding driveway.  I knocked on the door.  The seller greeted me, and told me the bit was in the barn.  I followed.  The barn even darker than it had been outside.  And of course, the seller told me that the light switch was on the far side of the dark interior.

And then...she turned the light on, gave me the bit, I gave her money, we shot the breeze for a little bit, and I left safe and sound.  The end.

(Turns out she recognized my name from my e-mail I sent her, and asked if I used to ride at Flyspur Ranch, which I did, and she had a brief stint as a wrangler there.  I didn't really remember her (I'm terrible at remembering people), but also googled her name and she's a local vet tech, and a woman, so I felt okay meeting her at her house, even though it was after dark.  All's well that ends well, but every other time I've met someone from Craigslist has been in public, I promise.)

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