742 miles
$93 of gas
12+ hours of driving
$200 pre-purchase exam
$300 deposit toward purchase
and I think I have finally found a horse. (Oh, and that's just THIS weekend, not total on all 14 horses.)
Now I have to find him a ride down here--more $$$ and more time on the road.
This is Trigger. He'll be 6 years old on May 7th, but does NOT act his age--he is the sanest, quietest, smartest horse I've tried. He's half Arabian, half Saddlebred, but unless I suck up to the sire's owner, won't be registered as a National Show horse, just as a Half-Arab. He's about 15.2, and very narrow. I'm hoping he'll fill out a little more as he matures, plus a little more than that with some nice muscling, but time will tell. If not, I'll call it the endurance "radiator build" someone explained to me at Grizzly last weekend.
I also need to lose a ton of weight. Don't worry, this won't be a weight loss blog.
Anyone have a trailer and want to take a road trip to Longview on May 12th, or Maple Valley some other time before or after that?
Congrats!! Can't wait to meet the new pony...